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Assess students’ understanding of course content and provide immediate feedback on their knowledge gaps with engaging practice quizzes.
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Low stakes assessment to improve knowledge uptake

Frequent memory quizzes have been proven to increase student performance and reduce anxiety in higher-stakes cumulative assessments. They also reduce mind-wandering and help students stay connected to the course content in online lectures.

Finally, quizzes assist in mastering content, meaning students can focus on deeper levels of learning, such as analyzing, evaluating, and creating new work.


FeedbackFruits Quiz tool helps you:

  • create low-stakes quizzes that are not graded but help students practice the course content
  • activate your students both synchronously and asynchronously
  • guide your students in assessing their progress throughout the course with (optional) unlimited quiz retakes

Assess students in an engaging way with Quiz


Multiple question types for every need

Use multiple choice, open-ended or scratch-off questions to test your students’ knowledge and provide them with immediate feedback.


students track their progress over time

Students can see how many questions there are, how many they answered and their score while taking the quiz. This grants them more autonomy and responsibility in learning.


RETAKE THE QUIZ for deeper learning

The opportunity to retake the quiz encourages students to review their knowledge gaps and improve their performance.This way, students don’t stay behind with the course content.

Tool features

Practice questions

Add multiple choice questions, open-ended questions, or a combination of both throughout the quiz. You also have the possibility to add attachments to questions or answers.

Scratch-off questions

Scratch-off questions provide students with multiple attempts to answer the question and only reveal whether the answer is correct after submitting.

If the selected answer was incorrect, this is revealed to the student, however, the correct answer remains veiled. This gives the students limited information that challenges them to carefully identify their false assumptions.

Deadline control

Set deadlines for when you would like the quiz to be available and be closed for students. You can schedule a specific time for the opening and closing of the steps or adjust this manually.

Reveal correct answer

You can set the answers to never be revealed for students in a non-scratch mode. When this option is selected, the answer in multiple choice questions and open questions will never be shown to a student and only to the teacher.

Add multiple choice questions, open-ended questions, or a combination of both throughout the quiz. You also have the possibility to add attachments to questions or answers.

Scratch-off questions provide students with multiple attempts to answer the question and only reveal whether the answer is correct after submitting.

If the selected answer was incorrect, this is revealed to the student, however, the correct answer remains veiled. This gives the students limited information that challenges them to carefully identify their false assumptions.

Set deadlines for when you would like the quiz to be available and be closed for students. You can schedule a specific time for the opening and closing of the steps or adjust this manually.

You can set the answers to never be revealed for students in a non-scratch mode. When this option is selected, the answer in multiple choice questions and open questions will never be shown to a student and only to the teacher.

Explore all features
Interactive document tool

Interactive Document

Looking for increasing student engagement with documents?

Activate interactions with documents using social annotation in Interactive Document.

Team based learning tool

Team Based Learning

Looking for team-based learning in hybrid classrooms?

Optimize student collaboration in hyflex settings with Team Based Learning.

LMS integration

Quiz, like all FeedbackFruits tools, integrates seamlessly into your native LMS. This enables single sign on (SSO) and automatic sync of groups, calendars, and gradebooks.

Using another LMS

Instructors love FeedbackFruits

Listen to what educators have to say about us.

"I’m really grateful for the tools that are available. [Before the pandemic], they made teaching better, and now they’re making teaching possible."

Yvette Linders

"What I've learned over the few years being involved - you shouldn’t be limited to the current technology, you should always be looking to push that boundary. If you have a need, that need can be met. You just have to voice that to someone like FeedbackFruits so they understand what it is."

Dr. Tiffany Gunning
Senior Lecturer

"I just want to give a huge kudos to the FeedbackFruits team because they have been incredible with their support in every situation."

Danielle D'Souza
Educational Support Specialist

EdTech Dotank Partners

FeedbackFruits tools are co-created following the Edtech Dotank process together with our partners.
Explore EdTech DoTank
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We can help you integrate FeedbackFruits tools!

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Streamlined learning activity setup

All you need to do is to describe the assignment, choose the right settings and enjoy.

easy-to-use, uniform design

All tools have a similar look and feel – which flattens the learning curve for both teachers and students.

Co-created with educators

Tools are co-created with educators from partner universities, thus support even the most advanced use cases.