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Assignment Review

Assess deliverables more effectively online by giving structured feedback to students on their individual or group assignments at scale.
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Teacher feedback is a crucial part of effective teaching to improve student performance and build academic skills. When given in a constructive and timely manner, it helps students develop self-regulation in terms of closing their learning gaps to reach the goal set by the instructor.

However, it is difficult to provide quality feedback to each student in large classrooms. This results in dissatisfaction and hesitance to improve work (Nicol, 2010). With Assignment Review tool, you can give each student meaningful feedback by using your own criteria & rubrics.


Track which students or groups read instructions, handed in their assignment and read received feedback throughout the activity.

Set up the assignment, collect submissions and give feedback all in one place. All these can be done within your LMS.

Create a rubric, scale rating, comment criterion or a combination of any to assess and provide timely feedback on students’ assignments.

Students can hand in work as individuals or as a group. You can also ask students to hand in individually but shown in a group. ​​When making it a group assignment groups are automatically synched with the Learning Management System (LMS) to make the setup easier.

Structure and customize feedback criteria with options such as comment criterion, (Likert) scales, rubrics, or a combination of multiple types.

Reuse any feedback comment you post within an assignment. In cases where there is recurring feedback that has to be given on multiple students’ deliverables, this saves a lot of time.

Any activity can be turned into a summative assessment by adding a grading module at the end of the setup process. Configure which steps of the assignment should be graded and how much each component should count towards the final grade.

Get progress statistics, both overall as well as more detailed ones per activity step. With these you know exactly when students could use extra help and how to best help them.

You can require students to write a reflection on their received feedback and what they learned from the assignment as a whole. This helps students to internalize what they learned better, as well as the teacher being able to see if students have learned.

Students can hand in work as individuals or as a group. You can also ask students to hand in individually but shown in a group. ​​When making it a group assignment, groups are automatically synced with the Learning Management System (LMS) to make the setup easier.

In the hand-in step, instructor can choose what type of files students can upload. The supported file types include documents, videos, audio, images, webpages and more. Students can also record video, audio or their screen without needing any third-party tool.

Structure and customize feedback criteria with options such as comment criterion, (Likert) scales, rubrics, or a combination of multiple types.

Reuse any feedback comment you post within an assignment. In cases where there is recurring feedback that has to be given on multiple students’ deliverables, this saves a lot of time.

Any activity can be turned into a summative assessment by adding a grading module at the end of the setup process. Configure which steps of the assignment should be graded and how much each component should count towards the final grade.

Get learning analytics, both overall as well as more detailed ones per activity step. With these you know exactly when students could use extra help and how to best help them.

Require students to write a reflection on their received feedback and what they learned from the assignment as a whole. This helps students to internalize what they learned better, as well as the instructor being able to see if students have learned.

FeedbackFruits Turnitin integration

If the institution has a license with Turnitin, instructors can enable plagiarism check setting for students to have their submissions reviewed for plagiarism by Turnitin before the assignment review activity.

Explore all features
Automated Feedback tool

Automated Feedback

Provide students with AI-powered feedback to improve academic writing skills.

Skill Review tool

Skill Review

Provide structured feedback on students' skills in presentations, oral exams, interviews, and more.

LMS integration

Assignment Review, like all FeedbackFruits tools, integrates seamlessly into your native LMS. This enables single sign on (SSO) and automatic sync of groups, calendars, and gradebooks.

Using another LMS

Instructors love FeedbackFruits

Listen to what educators have to say about us.

"My students liked using FeedbackFruits: You can make your courses much more sparkling and vibrant, and now it seems that students are taking the feedback more seriously!"

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Anne Potters

"It is anecdotal, but I am pleasantly surprised to see students are actually very interested in feedback once it is available in an accessible and clear way."

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"I’m really grateful for the tools that are available. [Before the pandemic], they made teaching better, and now they’re making teaching possible."

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Yvette Linders

EdTech Dotank Partners

This tool has been co-created following the Edtech Dotank process together with our partners.
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interactive audio iconcomprehension iconteam based learning icon

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We can help you integrate FeedbackFruits tools!

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Streamlined learning activity setup

All you need to do is to describe the assignment, choose the right settings and enjoy.

easy-to-use, uniform design

All tools have a similar look and feel – which flattens the learning curve for both teachers and students.

Co-created with educators

Tools are co-created with educators from partner universities, thus support even the most advanced use cases.